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Showing posts from November, 2009

Ruined Credit and Car Fraud

This has been the hardest year ever I must say! My onetime friend commited fraud and credit repair fraud on me and pretty much left me for dead with ruined credit, in debt roughly over $100,000 (not kidding) and the government on my tail instead of his. This created me to drop out of school, work more hours at security and less personal training. I forgot to mention the car I got from my so called friend was a lemon. Im paying 20K for a 10K car, WITH problems left in right. So with all that I like to go to my art to kind of take my mind off things but im getting so behind in fees and such I might have to start selling all my stuff including my NIKON D90 . The guy who commited the fraud is still free and ripping other people off as well. I went to the cops and long story short they dont seem to care which shed new light on how I see them- even worse than I thought. Hmmmm. I remain focused and driven anyhow. It will be interesting to see the outcome of this chaos!!! I need all the help

Halloween of 09

This Halloween in San Francisco was an odd one of sorts because im used to either Trick-or-Treating or Being at a ginormous party with people outdoing each other with clever costumes. A few outside influences played a part in my decision though. 1.Money is funny right now even with two jobs so the best party's were out the question. 2.Since San Francisco schnobs killed the Castro street Halloween party there haven't been anything to much the fun and intrique so were forced to look for something to keep the Halloween spirit alive. 3. The people I was accompanied with did not wanna Trick-or-Treat being that they were in there mid twenties haha. So I put us on a few guestlists around the city and we went to them but they were not the same. San Francisco had alot of things going on so the Events were saturated. Nothing was really jam packed and exciting it was more like mingling amongst vampires and zombies. My crew still managed to have some sort of fun though and