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Spring Update 2010

So its about the second quarter of the year and just to follow up on my expectations and goals, here is as follows.
1. Car Fraud. Its going S L O W!!! Cops arent a big help, lawyers love money and arent a big help unless you have ALOT of money!!! LOL Thats basically how things are going with that. I remain positive about the situation though.
2. Certifications. I just ordered the NASM again because Im familiar with the model and test already. I also took a seminar through Power Systems and met some awesome trainers whose ideas I know incorporate in my training. Ill find their websites and edit this later.
3. Boxing/Savate. Im now enrolled at Polk st. Boxing gym in San Francisco. Yup, i'm slugging it out my friends. I love the cardio of boxing, I dont like running one bit.
So yes, im still on course with my resolutions and goals. Im staying focused and motivated. Tough at times I must say but the show must go on. Im excited for next week as well because its Bay 2 Breakers in San Francisco. If you dont know what that is you will next week when I Blog about the craziness. Till next Blog my friends.


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