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Showing posts from September, 2011


Yesterday i participated in the Tough Mudder Nor-Cal with six other Crazy Mo-Fo's and we all beasted it out. I did not expext it to be sooo UPHILL. We literally ran up a mountain in Tahoe to where there was ICE. From the get we had to sprint up a hill listening to EYE Of The Tiger music then once we hit the first bend into a pool of beautiful mud and barbed wires to crawl under! Game On!!! Add on 10 miles and 19 more obstacles and thats what we went through. The craziest were the ice bath pool which froze EVERYTHING and the lake swim where we had to jump off a 25-30ft. cliff with all our clothes/ shoes on after we were already beat! I nearly gave up on it but im too stubborn to drown! Lastly there was the electric wires dangling on the last obstacle, some wires charged up to 10,000 volts!! I heard some hissing and cracking. I made it out alive but one of the team mates got smacked down! Overall the team of 7 made it out alive and was humbled by the event. Bloody, scratched up,


Yet another freak accident. hurt my neck by doing skull crushers (tricep exercise) of all things. The weights were relatively light and it was the last exercise on my list. I felt a tingling sensation on my upper back but banged out my set. i joked around that I sprained it but later that night at work COULD NOT MOVE MY NECK!!! i sat down and had trouble getting up! So my sports doc in short has been working wonders and im back for the most part. Worst thing was I couldnt lift for a week and my Comps for San Francisco physique is coming up! Shiggity =/