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Showing posts from December, 2011

CCSF Judo Tourney 2011

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Running off 2 maybe three hours sleep I ran around doing laundry and trying to fix myself something light to eat before the Judo Invitational hosted by my School City College of San Francisco. Once there in the gym I woke up off excitement. Not really to play but watching other people enjoy the sport and especially the little kids. Their techniques were probably better than the teens and adults. As I glanced around waiting for my name to be called I saw people from all the DOPE schools like Stanford and San Jose St. (Reputable Judo squads). There was a school from France that caught my attention more like my ear because everytime something cool happened one of the teachers would yell"OOH LA LA" I thought that crap was hilarious, I started saying it too. Once my pool got called I calmly walked to the mat, for some reason there was no nervousness, but I was Indeed ready to play. The thing about Judo is Balance/ Kazushi and I try to exemp