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Showing posts from February, 2014

Why Ronda Rousey is A Beast

Ronda just defended her championship title again in 8 short weeks because to me she is the new gold mine for Dana. She has that serious stare down and B word persona. That's what Dana likes! Controversy and Bad assness which is good for the MMA world. She fought Sara McMann who looked good exchanging blows until they clinched up against the Octagon. Ronda used her Olympian Judo skills and switched to her Muy Thai skills with elbow and knee strikes which happened to bring Sara down on the floor like she was looking for candy fresh out a piñata! Herb Dean stopped the Fight at 1:06 and  some people/fans thought it was too early! Eh... It would of been nice to see another round at least!  It's becoming Mike Tysonesque with the first round wins! People want their money's worth.  Both Olympic Medalists, Rousey in Judo (my Fave in which I was biased for her to win) and Sara in wrestling! Sara is hoping for a rematch but we all wanna see Cyborg get a shot! Until then

LA Fitness Expo 2014

Had a nice lil journey down to Los Angeles to hit up the expo. Met some legends, pros, joes and up n comers in this fit world we live in. Also came down to show support and love for my bay area brethren competing in the Battle of The Bars showdown. Stayed in venice and got some sand in my feet. A Much needed getaway!!! SELFIE NINJA!!!!!!!! S E L F I E  Ryan Hughes. The FIRST physique guy to go PRO  L O A ! HASHTAG GUNS Young gun Ogus  LOA  Rampage Jackson   LOA Yucky Lavado  Kali Muscle  Bella  HASHTAG SWAG HASHTAG SQUINT HASHTAG   D STINTO  The Bay Area Crew VENICE Yeah, I'll post vids or vid of the Battle of the bars footage laters =D Hashtag Oneday .

Get Beastmode WIthout a Gym

When I was a kid I heard about this football monster named Herschel Walker and how he never used weights just bodyweight . You know, pushups, pullups, situps, etc... It turned the 6'1 225 man into one of the greatest football running backs EVER!!! He also was doing MMA in his late 40's early 50s knocking young cats out. Even now in his 50s hes still doing the same exercises and looking shredded! He would do around 3000 situps, 750-1500 pushups, mix in somewhere 1000 pullups, 1000 squats, 1000 dips. THIS IS DAILY! Now I'm not saying go out there and match numbers with Herschel, even he had a low starting point and built the stength and endurance to do that. I've been doing this myself and I can say it's helped a ton with my strength and aesthetics. I still need my weights though just because I like to mix it up. But lets get some bodyweight training in guys and gals! Start somewhere like 100 pushups a day, 100 sit ups a day. Break them up to where you do  increme