When I was a kid I heard about this football monster named Herschel Walker and how he never used weights just bodyweight. You know, pushups, pullups, situps, etc... It turned the 6'1 225 man into one of the greatest football running backs EVER!!! He also was doing MMA in his late 40's early 50s knocking young cats out. Even now in his 50s hes still doing the same exercises and looking shredded! He would do around 3000 situps, 750-1500 pushups, mix in somewhere 1000 pullups, 1000 squats, 1000 dips. THIS IS DAILY!
Now I'm not saying go out there and match numbers with Herschel, even he had a low starting point and built the stength and endurance to do that. I've been doing this myself and I can say it's helped a ton with my strength and aesthetics. I still need my weights though just because I like to mix it up. But lets get some bodyweight training in guys and gals! Start somewhere like 100 pushups a day, 100 sit ups a day. Break them up to where you do increments of 20 pushups and 20 situps. Take a break, get water and get back to it!
This month of This month of February I'm going to incorporate body-weight training with my workouts to show how much it works. I gotta lot of friends that want that summer body and or they're getting married. So uh, this is your best bet! BODY WEIGHT TRAINING!
I'll be posting my updates on here, twitter, and instagram = My handle is @MonsieurPicot
Get it in with me guys! Hashtag #HWalkerWorkout and post your numbers done and progress.
Lastly make sure you stretch and foam/rumble roll those muscles!!!! You dont want to over compensate one muscle group (I'm guilty with pushups and bench pressing until I couldnt even keep my arms behind my ears when stretching.) That's gonna be key!!!
Now I'm not saying go out there and match numbers with Herschel, even he had a low starting point and built the stength and endurance to do that. I've been doing this myself and I can say it's helped a ton with my strength and aesthetics. I still need my weights though just because I like to mix it up. But lets get some bodyweight training in guys and gals! Start somewhere like 100 pushups a day, 100 sit ups a day. Break them up to where you do increments of 20 pushups and 20 situps. Take a break, get water and get back to it!
This month of This month of February I'm going to incorporate body-weight training with my workouts to show how much it works. I gotta lot of friends that want that summer body and or they're getting married. So uh, this is your best bet! BODY WEIGHT TRAINING!
I'll be posting my updates on here, twitter, and instagram = My handle is @MonsieurPicot
Get it in with me guys! Hashtag #HWalkerWorkout and post your numbers done and progress.
Lastly make sure you stretch and foam/rumble roll those muscles!!!! You dont want to over compensate one muscle group (I'm guilty with pushups and bench pressing until I couldnt even keep my arms behind my ears when stretching.) That's gonna be key!!!
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