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Showing posts from December, 2014

Aim For Elite Strength

Well, this year is coming to a close which is when a lot of people start coming up with goals and resolutions for the new year. Any time is a good time for goals to chase but we know people are programmed to have these  new years resolutions. What better time to show you a few strength charts I've been using to guesstimate my clients and I's strength. The charts are based off a persons weight and 1 rep max strength. Also the strength is broken down into 5 categories. Untrained, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Elite. This isn't meant to discourage you if you fall short of where you think you should be, its a template to push towards new goals. Also the templates are in pounds. Ive taken the BIG 3 strength exercises, Bench Press, Squats, and Dead-lifts for men and women. These templates should give you a goal or two OR three to chase. So go tell a workout partner, personal trainer, B.F.F. that you are getting ELITE strength! Dead Lifts for Men Dead L...


I have whipped up a 10 day fitness challenge for you! You don't need a holiday or a resolution to get started for this. I want you to challenge yourself, motivate yourself and just have fun with it. I made it 10 days specifically because that's all you need to jump-start yourself into chasing whatever goals you have. You can also repeat the challenge whenever you want and try to beat your original numbers. It will be at your own pace but you will still be challenged. No weights needed. ALL BODY WEIGHT! Progress and consistency is the name of the game. There will be 10 rounds every day. I'm not expecting all of you to finish the 10 rounds, just do what you can for ten days and jot in down in your notes!  First things FIRST! Im going to have you go and get a water bottle. Store bought or canteen, whatever. Now tape a quote, phrase, or word on the bottle and keep it with you while you work out! This will help you push through.  Second: You will need a timer. I know you ha...