I have whipped up a 10 day fitness challenge for you! You don't need a holiday or a resolution to get started for this. I want you to challenge yourself, motivate yourself and just have fun with it. I made it 10 days specifically because that's all you need to jump-start yourself into chasing whatever goals you have. You can also repeat the challenge whenever you want and try to beat your original numbers. It will be at your own pace but you will still be challenged. No weights needed. ALL BODY WEIGHT! Progress and consistency is the name of the game. There will be 10 rounds every day. I'm not expecting all of you to finish the 10 rounds, just do what you can for ten days and jot in down in your notes!
First things FIRST! Im going to have you go and get a water bottle. Store bought or canteen, whatever. Now tape a quote, phrase, or word on the bottle and keep it with you while you work out! This will help you push through.
Second: You will need a timer. I know you have one on your phone or smart device. If you don't go outside and use a sun dial if you got too! Some moves will be timed such as a minute of jumping jacks. Third: Have paper/ notes to keep track of your progress.
Lets get started.
Day 1 & 6: 10 ROUNDS of PUSH-UPS x 1 min. JUMPING JACKS
We are starting with my favorite! PUSH-UPS! Do as many as you can. Full on push-ups. If you cant do push-ups then do them modified on knees or push off the wall. Right after do 1 min of jumping jacks. That's one min of movement nonstop. Take a 20-40 sec. break for air and water and go right back into as many push-ups as you can muster. Push for 10 rounds! Write down all your push-ups and rounds you do. That's the game.
We go into Sit-ups on day 2. (Some people may not be able to do situps or crunches so you can brace your stomach by squeezing and holding it tight for about 3-4 seconds. If that's the case do about 10-12 reps.) Do as many situps as you can then go right into 1 min. of high knees. Now do this at your own pace as well. You can do high marches or running as long as those knees are HIGH! High is knee parallel to hip or higher. 10 rounds! Take 20-30 secs. rest in-between rounds. Write down stats!
Day 3 & 8: 10 ROUNDS of 45 sec. PLANKS x 1 min. SHADOW BOXING
This is a fun one. Planking is a great core exercise strengthening the muscles protecting your spine/back. You can also modify this by planking on your knees and bracing your core for a few secs as well. Hold in a plank position for 45 seconds or longer if you can just jot it down in your notes. Follow by shadow boxing for one min. Shadow Boxing is a great way to loosen up by throwing punches and slightly moving around. You can simply stay in place and throw alternating punches up to 1 min. 10 ROUNDS. Take 20-30 secs. rest in-between rounds. Write down stats!
Legs are on the menu. These are body weight squats and your going to be doing as many as you can. These aren't timed so don't speed through these. Practice on good form, go as deep as you can, driving up off your heels. Right after get into mountain climber position and get 45 sec. in. Take 20-30 secs. rest in-between rounds. Write down stats!
DAY 5 & 10: 10 ROUNDS of BURPEES x 1 min. LEG RAISES
GUT CHECK TIME!!! The burpee is a personal trainers go to move to see where their client is! its a plyometric / explosive movement. Its like a pushup combined with a jump. Do not worry about speed here. Once you get your burpees out the way lay on your back and do leg raises. The leg raise is a core workout. Laying on your back and keeping both legs straight, raise them til toes point to the sky. Drop legs and repeat for one minute. Take 20-30 secs. rest in-between rounds. Write down stats!
Let me know how you do guys. Take Pics of water bottles with quotes/words and your workout aftermath. Give me feedback. Make your friends do it and tag me #picotfitness #10dayChallenge
NOTE: If you are not clear what the exercise is or technique youtube a good go to. Also is you are a super beginner know your limitations. Please don't kill or injure yourself. =P Enjoy the challenge.
Lets get started.
Day 1 & 6: 10 ROUNDS of PUSH-UPS x 1 min. JUMPING JACKS
We are starting with my favorite! PUSH-UPS! Do as many as you can. Full on push-ups. If you cant do push-ups then do them modified on knees or push off the wall. Right after do 1 min of jumping jacks. That's one min of movement nonstop. Take a 20-40 sec. break for air and water and go right back into as many push-ups as you can muster. Push for 10 rounds! Write down all your push-ups and rounds you do. That's the game.
We go into Sit-ups on day 2. (Some people may not be able to do situps or crunches so you can brace your stomach by squeezing and holding it tight for about 3-4 seconds. If that's the case do about 10-12 reps.) Do as many situps as you can then go right into 1 min. of high knees. Now do this at your own pace as well. You can do high marches or running as long as those knees are HIGH! High is knee parallel to hip or higher. 10 rounds! Take 20-30 secs. rest in-between rounds. Write down stats!
Day 3 & 8: 10 ROUNDS of 45 sec. PLANKS x 1 min. SHADOW BOXING
This is a fun one. Planking is a great core exercise strengthening the muscles protecting your spine/back. You can also modify this by planking on your knees and bracing your core for a few secs as well. Hold in a plank position for 45 seconds or longer if you can just jot it down in your notes. Follow by shadow boxing for one min. Shadow Boxing is a great way to loosen up by throwing punches and slightly moving around. You can simply stay in place and throw alternating punches up to 1 min. 10 ROUNDS. Take 20-30 secs. rest in-between rounds. Write down stats!
Legs are on the menu. These are body weight squats and your going to be doing as many as you can. These aren't timed so don't speed through these. Practice on good form, go as deep as you can, driving up off your heels. Right after get into mountain climber position and get 45 sec. in. Take 20-30 secs. rest in-between rounds. Write down stats!
DAY 5 & 10: 10 ROUNDS of BURPEES x 1 min. LEG RAISES
GUT CHECK TIME!!! The burpee is a personal trainers go to move to see where their client is! its a plyometric / explosive movement. Its like a pushup combined with a jump. Do not worry about speed here. Once you get your burpees out the way lay on your back and do leg raises. The leg raise is a core workout. Laying on your back and keeping both legs straight, raise them til toes point to the sky. Drop legs and repeat for one minute. Take 20-30 secs. rest in-between rounds. Write down stats!
Let me know how you do guys. Take Pics of water bottles with quotes/words and your workout aftermath. Give me feedback. Make your friends do it and tag me #picotfitness #10dayChallenge
NOTE: If you are not clear what the exercise is or technique youtube a good go to. Also is you are a super beginner know your limitations. Please don't kill or injure yourself. =P Enjoy the challenge.
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