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Greatest Training Montage Ever

With the buzz and excitement of the Mayweather vs. Pacquiao fight finally happening, perhaps the biggest fight ever, I cant help but think BOXING . Boxing has always been one of my favorite sports due to the immortal fighters such as Ali, Hitman Hearns, Tyson, Sugar Ray, De La Hoya, Roy Jones Jr and the list can go on. But what I admire is the training methods that these fighters go through. The pain and sacrifice it took to get them to the top. I can't think of any better training montage than the fictional ROCKY movies and the corny yet inspiring sound tracks that they came with. The running, jump rope, shadow boxing, calisthenics, weights, chopping wood, everything it took to make you one step ahead of your opponents. Inspiration at its finest!
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Aim For Elite Strength

Well, this year is coming to a close which is when a lot of people start coming up with goals and resolutions for the new year. Any time is a good time for goals to chase but we know people are programmed to have these  new years resolutions. What better time to show you a few strength charts I've been using to guesstimate my clients and I's strength. The charts are based off a persons weight and 1 rep max strength. Also the strength is broken down into 5 categories. Untrained, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Elite. This isn't meant to discourage you if you fall short of where you think you should be, its a template to push towards new goals. Also the templates are in pounds. Ive taken the BIG 3 strength exercises, Bench Press, Squats, and Dead-lifts for men and women. These templates should give you a goal or two OR three to chase. So go tell a workout partner, personal trainer, B.F.F. that you are getting ELITE strength! Dead Lifts for Men Dead L


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 The Smolov is a training program that will affect your strength gains on a next level. Ive done some research to know if your just starting out into fitness you should hold off until you are quite comfortable in squatting (or whatever particular exercise you use this for.) Its 13 weeks and is broken down into several cycles. Ive run into a few variations but I'll show you the one I took from and also my modified version. Lets say you are going to do this for increasing your squat strength. You will be squatting no less than 2-5 days a week. Its a killer program but if you are consistent you will notice some gains. I won't say 50-100 lbs or throw around a number just because I'm not trying to sell you on this. I'm just letting you know it will improve your gains and the proof is in the pudding. ALSO. Any chance you get stretch and do mobility work. The Smolov revolves around a 1 rep max so you can guesstimate where your at or find some calculators online that figu

The Aesthetics of Physique

Found a good video for my physique brethren. I got in when the physique game early when it really had no set rules but this video shed light on what its looking for.  Really good tips on here. Check it out, train smart and good luck!  

The Best Way To Get In Shape

There's a BUNCH of gimmicks and fads out there! Social media is killing it in marketing right now because of it! Every one wants the magic pill or waist cincher that magically works O_o The juice that has corn syrup in it but since the chick you follow has 1 million followers advertises it you drink it too! YOU ARE BEING FOOLED! There is no magic to this fitness game! There are many ways to get what you desire but you gotta stop Bull $**ting yourself! NO EXCUSES! Stop buying into fads and the new fit toy.    There's a BUNCH of gimmicks and fads out there! Social media is killing it in marketing right now because of it! Every one wants the magic pill or waist cincher that magically works O_o The juice that has corn syrup in it but since the chick you follow has 1 million followers advertises it you drink it too! YOU ARE BEING FOOLED! There is no magic to this fitness game! There are many ways to get what you desire but you gotta stop Bull $**ting yourself! NO

MeXico Madness

Finally took a trip this year and it was much needed R & R. Jalisco, Mexico was gorgeous and the weather was HOT and HUMID but still enjoyable. Right off the plane we got tricked into some timeshare malarky! Out there in Mexico they are all about the hustle and want those pesos lol! Not mad at all. You just have to be on your toes! The guys 'helping us' kept saying, "PERFECTO" which became a trigger word for 'DONT TRUST THIS DUDE!.  Besides all the offers and bargains and gold tooth smiles.......... and more timeshare deals, we finally got to our hotel and relaxed. I'm a nature boy so I took in all the cool birds and watched them dive in the ocean and get fish. It kinda looked like the birds were playing a game. Iguana's were walking by and swimming in our pool. Coolness!!! Butterflies galore. Even though they had brown wings, they could at least had some black,yellow or red wings. Basic butterflies.  The Events we went on actua